The body composition specialist


Who am I


  • Jackson Litchfield is an internationally renowned health and fitness coach who is highly sought after for his ability to produce outstanding results and promote sustainable, long term health.
  • In order to deliver the best possible health solution to clients, it is essential to have the most accurate information and know the most effective, up to date, result producing methods that exist.
  • Due to the nature of the health and fitness industry, clinical experience, body science, and well-controlled studies often reveal groundbreaking and key discoveries which can take years, if not decades to hit the mainstream media. With this in mind, Jackson regularly travels the globe updating his protocols with the latest and best methods available.
  • Jackson is passionately proactive in coalescing what  this industry has to offer in order to raise the standard of his service and the quality of the results into a unique and superlative experience.
  • Jacksons service is highly individualised and based on root cause solutions. You can expect massive change, results and full control of your health and fitness for life.
  • Jackson has produced results across numerous fields from the Cooperate executive, elite athletes, physique models and basically anyone who is ready to make the decision to a better healthier life.

To date he has completed

  • Charles Poliquin’s PICP 1,2 and 3
  • Biosignature modulation practitioner
  • Physique transformations with Francine savard
  • Hypertrophy bootcamp with Milos Sarcev and Charles Poliquin (sweeden)
  • Fat loss internship with Charles poliquin (Rhode island)
  • Poliquin Instant muscle strengthening technique (Rhode island)
  • Coaching the athlete with Ben Prentiss and Preston greene
  • Australian master trainer
  • International functional medicine practitioner (IFM – Los Angeles)
  • Female fat loss with Phil learney
  • Bioprint with the strength sensai Charles Poliquin